Environmental initiatives

Environmental Policy

Environmental initiatives

Environmental Policy

At Hoteles Saint Michel, we are aware of the importance of preserving the environment, of our planet’s cry for help. It is our duty to do everything possible to preserve our wonderful planet, as we are responsible for its deterioration and the uncontrolled consumption of its natural resources. At HSM, through our commitment to the planet, we are contributing towards minimising the effects of climate change.

Environmental actions

Energy saving

At Hoteles Saint Michel, we are fully aware of the importance of preserving our natural resources. For several years now, we have implemented different energy-saving systems in most of our hotels.

Measures implemented

  • Use of solar panels to provide our guests with clean, renewable energy
  • Replacement of energy-inefficient light bulbs with LED bulbs
  • Automatic shutdown system for air conditioning when the terrace doors are open
  • Automatic shutdown system for lights and air conditioning when our guests are not in their rooms
  • Use of energy-efficient machinery
  • New metalwork in the refurbished hotels to improve insulation in the hotel interior
  • Energy-efficiency controls and audits to continue implementing new energy-saving processes

Water saving

Water is one of our most valuable assets, so we must use it in a responsible way. The actions we are taking to save water in our hotels are:

Measures implemented

  • Water-saving systems in toilets and showers
  • Use of informative posters to raise awareness among our guests to promote responsible use
  • Weekly checks to control the hotel’s water consumption
  • Water-efficiency controls and audits to continue implementing new water-saving processes

Reduce - Recycle - Reuse

To reduce the impact, we generate on a daily basis, it is essential to consider the 3Rs (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse). In both HSM hotels and offices, we are implementing various actions such as:

Measures implemented

  • Recycling paper, glass, cardboard and plastic containers
  • Recycling cooking oil
  • Recycling fluorescent lights
  • Reducing the use of chemical products that are harmful to the environment
  • Reducing the use of single-use plastics, replacing them with products made with eco-friendly materials
  • Reducing the use of individual containers, such as jams, amenities, packaging ... opting for more environmentally sustainable alternatives

Initiatives HSM

We are aware that preserving the planet is everyone's job, so our hotels are affiliated to municipal programmes, participating in initiatives such as selective refuse collection and composting.

Low pollution

At Hoteles Saint Michel, we are committed to zero pollution, so we always look for the most sustainable alternative. We buy local and km0 products, thus strengthening our commitment to the socio-cultural environment.


At Hoteles Saint Michel, we attach great importance to the training of our workers. That’s why, together with specialised companies in the sector, we offer continuous training so that all our employees can learn how to implement sustainable measures in their daily work in our hotels.

Save the Planet

Raising awareness is vital to save the planet. At Hoteles Saint Michel, we have created a new eco-friendly brand under the slogan "Save the Planet" to raise awareness among all our guests, employees, suppliers and workers of the importance of caring for the environment.